Syntax Affinity®Data

Better data, better decisions

Affinity® Data has the most comprehensive, accessible, and transparent product data on publicly traded companies in the world. Gain unparalleled insights and make sharper decisions tailored specifically to your needs with our fully customizable data solutions.

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Preview Affinity®

Affinity® enables you to

Search Securities

Enter a name, ticker, or ISIN to see detailed risk exposures for a company or an ETF.

Screen Investment Universes

Select a universe. See all companies that have target exposures.

Analyze Portfolio Risk

Upload your portfolio. Screen for risks using over 40+ different lenses and 1,500+ different exposures.

Identify Comparables

Enter a name, ticker, or ISIN. Find companies with comparable business risk and performance profiles.

What powers our data

Syntax’s Functional Information System (FIS®) transforms company classification, enabling improved index construction, portfolio analysis, and risk assessment from hundreds of angles.

Learn more about FIS®
Global companies
Active companies
Point-in-time product line classifications

Discover in-depth company and ETF insights

Search Securities on Affinity

Explore top companies and ETFs through 1,500+ lenses across Sector, Macro and Micro Thematics, Impact, and Business Models. Affinity allows users to drill down into product line exposures and view aggregated geographic revenue segmentation.

Unpack your investment strategies

Compare portfolios against ETFs, Affinity benchmarks, or any other uploaded portfolios.

Track changes to portfolio exposures over time by uploading different holding dates. Changes over time can be tracked based on point-in-time classifications on individual holdings.

This image is a dark-themed user interface for an investment platform. It shows the section titled "Explore Portfolios," where users are instructed to "Select portfolios to begin analysis." The portfolio named "Syntax 3000" is highlighted and marked with a checkmark, indicating it has been selected. On the right side of the screen, there are two buttons labeled "Build Portfolio" and "Upload Portfolio," suggesting options for creating or uploading a portfolio for analysis.


What role does FIS play in our Affinity® platform?

Affinity is a platform that enables users to visualize the output from our FIS® framework in a number of ways. For example, FIS can leverage company revenue data to identify unique product-line analysis.

What are our Affinity® lenses?

Lenses are a collection of companies that operate in shared economic activities. Companies are analyzed at the product line level, resulting in more precise company classifications.

What is the Affinity® Screener?

The Affinity Screener is a slimmed-down version of the full Affinity platform, allowing users to familiarize themselves with the interface and its core capabilities, including Affinity Lenses.

Check out Affinity

Want to construct or backtest an investment concept?

Learn about Syntax Direct