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Syntax codifies
business models

Data without structure is only numbers.
Our data empowers clients to identify, classify, and analyze financial products better than ever before.

Syntax Direct

Say goodbye to opaque, convoluted, and restrictive approaches to portfolio creation. Our Direct-to-Index Platform powers customized investment solutions at scale.

Syntax Direct Platform

Create your Custom Index in just 3 steps:

Syntax Direct Select Index Objective
Select your Strategy

Start building your new index by selecting an index objective.

Syntax Direct Customize Benchmark
Pick your Preferences

Select additional specifications & customizations by answering 10-15 questions.

Syntax Direct Report
Download a Full Report

Your new index report will include current & historical constituents, five-year backtested performance, detailed sector breakdowns, statistical analysis, and more.

Affinity Data

Affinity® Transforms a complex financial data landscape into clear, actionable information.

Syntax Affinity Platform

How it Works

Syntax Affinity Search Securities
Search Securities

View profiles for thousands of individual companies and ETFs with granular exposure details.

Syntax Affinity Screen Universes
Screen Universes

Find companies that have target exposures from various equity universes.

Syntax Affinity Analyze Portfolios
Analyze Portfolios

Upload portfolio holdings to find hidden exposures across over 40+ different lenses and more than 1,500 unique exposures.

Syntax Indices

Backed by top level investment know-how and Syntax's proprietary technologies, Syntax Indices is able to create indices that precisely match investment objectives.

Syntax Stratified LargeCap Index

Our Indices

Sector Indices

Syntax’s suite of over 600 sector-based indices tracks market performance using groups from its proprietary FIS classification system that range from broad top-level sectors to granular business segments and activities within a sub-industry.

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Benchmark Indices

Syntax has developed its own proprietary set of up-to-date Benchmark Indices that mirror the performance of the commonly used benchmarks.

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Stratified Weight Indices

Syntax's proprietary Stratified Weight Indices unravel the inefficiencies embedded in capitalization weighted indices to present an optimal solution for balancing risk and reward.

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Thematic Indices

Using proprietary Affinity analytics, Syntax develops Thematic Indices that capture emerging and evolving market trends with pinpoint accuracy in a timely fashion.

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Custom Indices

Syntax works with a range of clients, including ETF issuers, institutions, and family offices to develop Custom Indices that precisely fit their needs.

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ESG Indices

Syntax uses a vast array of data and proprietary data sets to develop a growing range of ESG, SRI, and SDG Indices that reflect prevailing responsible investment goals.

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Latest News and Research

Understanding Cloud Computing Investment Opportunities

Understanding Cloud Computing Investment Opportunities

Cloud computing is a key component of modern digital infrastructure and the growing AI supply chain.  Learn more about the investment opportunities in the cloud computing space using Syntax's unique product line data.

Tracking Texas, the Fastest Growing State Economy

Tracking Texas, the Fastest Growing State Economy

Texans are not shy to let the world know that Texas is booming. It is the fastest growing state in the union, and presents a wealth of investment opportunities. Learn more about the Texas Capital Texas Equity Index, designed to measure the performance of Texas companies.
Breaking Down the Basics: The Nine Planetary Boundaries and the Fight Against Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss

Breaking Down the Basics: The Nine Planetary Boundaries and the Fight Against Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss

The “nine planetary boundaries” are a framework to understand what is needed for the planet to remain in balance from the perspective of nature and biodiversity. Learn about the definitions of each boundary, the key frameworks and standards in place that drive the fight against climate change, and identify the vehicles and tools being used to catalyze investments in nature and biodiversity.
17 Asset Management & Syntax Announce The Launch of the 17AM-SDG 9 US Infrastructure & Innovation Strategy on SMArtX

17 Asset Management & Syntax Announce The Launch of the 17AM-SDG 9 US Infrastructure & Innovation Strategy on SMArtX

17 Asset Management (“17 AM”) and Syntax Data (“Syntax”) are pleased to announce the launch of the 17AM-SDG 9 US Infrastructure & Innovation Index, designed to capture investment opportunities aligned with the 9th United Nations (“UN”) Sustainable Development Goal (“SDG”). This thematic equity Index provides investors with access to a curated selection of publicly traded companies poised to drive the modernization of infrastructure within the United States. Utilizing a rules-based methodology that incorporates qualitative ESG and SDG screens, the 17AM-SDG 9 US Infrastructure & Innovation Index has a selection of approximately 115 companies (subject to periodic rebalancing) that derive over 50% of revenues from activities and operations that are aligned with UN SDG 9, which aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation. 

About Syntax

Syntax LLC is a financial data and technology company that codifies business models. Syntax operates through three segments: Company Data, Wealth Technology, and Financial Indices. Using its patented FIS® technology inspired by systems sciences, the Company Data segment offers the most comprehensive, granular, and accurate product line revenue data available on the market. The Wealth Technology segment then uses this abundance of data to facilitate the instantaneous creation and ongoing management of direct indexing solutions and rules-based equity portfolios through a fully automated platform. The Financial Indices segment enables Syntax to deliver customized and proprietary indices, including core global benchmarks and micro- and macro-thematic, smart beta, defined outcome, and target volatility indices. These indices are foundational for a range of financial products, such as ETFs, UITs, and structured products.

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